Looking forward to this year's OAA conference

Shimmerman Penn will once again sponsor the Ontario Association of Architects Annual Conference 2018 in Toronto. We have been proud sponsors of the OAA's annual conferences for over a decade. In addition, Elaine Pantel recently ran a course for the OAA on Corporate Structures, with very positive feedback.

This year, Mark McGinnis and Andrew Bernstein will present a session on New Private Corporation Tax Planning Rules. Following the Federal government's proposed changes to the taxation of private corporations, Mark and Andrew will explain the new tax rules and how will they affect the owners of private corporations.

In addition, we will also present a Lunch & Learn on the Wednesday on the topic of Forward planning: firm ownership and growth strategies. At this session, our AED industry team will discuss strategies firms can implement to be successful and grow their ownership groups in the current competitive environment.

We look forward to the conference and hope to see you there!

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